I am a software developer with a passion for solving puzzles! Whether it is wringing the correct info from an SQL database on the back end, or getting that button centered just right on the front end, I have fun turning lines of code into tangible results. I have experience working on teams to build dynamic web applications using JavaScript, Node.js, React, Redux, Python, Flask/Express, PostgreSQL and more.

When not building cool apps, you can find me enjoying the outdoors with hiking, biking, or disc golf. I also love playing Rocket League!

Connect with me on Linkedin and check out my latest projects on GitHub

evernote clone


Makimono is a note taking web app that allows users to create notes with rich text editing and organize them in notebooks, inspired by Evernote. Designed using React / Redux, and bootstrap CSS on the front end, with Flask and SQLAlchemy to handle the back end.


Zenmo is a web app that allows users to request and send payments to their friends, inspired by Venmo. Designed using React, Material UI, and custom CSS on the front end, with Flask and SQLAlchemy on the back end.

Survey Donkey

SurveyDoneky is an interactive survey creation and participation site based on SurveyMonkey. Designed using PUG templates for HTML and Bulma for CSS on the front end, with express and sequelize running the back end.



  • App Academy - 1000 hour full-stack web development course.

  • Arizona State University - Bachelor of Science - Biology